President – Deb Braun (email)
Vice President – Derrick Lindeman
Treasurer – Shelly Foulkes (email)
Secretary – Kim Kelly
Event Chair/Co-Chairs
Craft Fair (email)
Liz Braun
Kelly Balkovec
Community Liaison
Booster Bash
Matthew Ottemann
Social Media
Liz Braun
Memberships/Activity Passes (email)
Kati & Troy Williams
Fireworks Stand (email)
Danielle Salzmann
Duties of the Board
President: Preside over meetings, enforce all laws and rules of the MSABC, hold in custody all official documents and deliver them to his/her successor, represent the MSABC in all official capacities. Prior to each meeting of the Board – review the bank statement and monthly financial account as forwarded by the Treasurer. Be familiar with the functions of the other officers and program chair persons and assure they are performing their prescribed duties. Assure that MSABC officers are elected each year.
Vice President: In the absence of the President, preside at all meetings and perform all other duties of the President as needed. Search out and implement new fundraising activities. Head up the TAGG program as part of fundraising. Work with Chairpersons of Events and coordinate volunteer sign up genius website for all events.
Secretary: Keep the minutes of every meeting of the MSABC. These minutes will record any official action taken at these meetings. Keep a “Book of Minutes” of the MSABC to maintain a record of all official action taken by the organization and establish a history of the organization. Notify the Board and General Membership of any upcoming meetings. Forward a copy of the previous minutes to the Board of Directors in a timely manner for each member to review the document. The minutes recorded by the Secretary must be approved by the Board of Directors before they are included in the organizations “Book of Minutes”. Execute all correspondence on behalf of the organization as prescribed by the President.
Treasurer: Keep and maintain a correct accounting of the properties and business transactions of the MSABC. This will include but not be limited to accounting of assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains, loses, capital and income of any sort of kind derived by the organizations from any of its standings.
Conduct all duties in accordance with Standard Accounting Practices, which included but are not limited to the deposit of all MSABC monies to an MSABC account no later than two (2) business days after the receipt of these monies and no mingling of MSABC monies with personal accounts shall be authorized. Prior to each meeting of MSABC you shall present to the President a monthly financial accounting of the organization for his/her review. Disperse funds only as directed by the Board of Directors, and no check, debit or credit transaction shall be drawn on an MSABC account without the prior approval of the Board of Directors or President.
Memberships: Organize and implement an annual campaign to maximize membership in the MSABC. Promote memberships at activities that would benefit membership sales.
Booster Bash: Organize and implement the Booster Bash activity. Coordinate all aspects of the Booster Bash and work with the Vice-President for the Booster Bash event.
Fireworks Stand: Organize and implement the Fireworks Stand. Coordinate with fireworks company, other 501c groups from Millard South, and Vice-President for the fireworks stand event in July.
Craft Fair: Organize and implement the Craft Fair in the fall. Coordinate with the Millard South, craft vendors, and Vice-President for a successful craft fair event.
Community Liaison: Work with vendors, feeder schools, area businesses, Millard South teams, and the community as it pertains to MSABC.